Sept 13 – Steam Train Day
Most of today’s adventures were via steam train or on foot. The only driving took place between our accommodations and the steam railway station at Embsay.
We arrived in plenty of time for me to wander around the platform and take lots of photos.

The number of people with dogs on the platform surprised me. You don’t get out there without buying a train ticket first. Seeing my camera, these two posed for me. How could I resist taking their picture? Look at the faces.

The platform bridge afforded the best views of the station building and the train.

The early morning train we rode was busy due to a bus tour making the journey. Still, we settled into a pair of ‘unreserved’ seats and waited for the train to leave. We ended up opening the small upper window for air because with the sun beating in, it turned the carriage into an oven!
The gentle swaying of the carriage almost lulled me to sleep so it was good that the train ride only took half an hour.
After de-training at the Bolton Abbey Station, we watched them bring the engine to the other end of the train, readying it for the return journey to Embsay.

After that, we took the footpath to Bolton Priory.
Walking under the main road was the safer alternative.

We visited the Priory in 2013. They charge a fee to park your vehicle there but if you’re on foot, it’s free.
While my husband tackled the stepping stones, I opted for the footbridge over the river.

We walked back to the train station with an older couple who rode the same outbound train we did. Once again, I took advantage of the extra time to take photos.

I think I’m glowing… I know I was definitely HOT! By now the wisps of hair I’d hoped to control had escaped the confines of the headband, but overall, it worked well.

When we arrived back at the guest house in Skipton later that afternoon, a black VW filled our space in the car park. I spied a couple of places out on the same side of the street as the guest house so turned around so I could snag one. I ended up further down the block than I wanted, but that spot was much easier to get in to. Drive in and back up closer to the vehicle behind. I don’t parallel park at home, so I’m not doing it on the opposite side of the road from the opposite side of the car.
I spotted this treadle sewing machine from our window and took a picture with my phone but I took a photo of it with my DSLR when we left for supper.

We ate at the Devonshire Inn again. Afterwards, we walked along the canal, stopping to chat with a local sitting on the deck of his narrow boat reading a crime novel.
Later in the evening, we got a thunderstorm. A real fire and brimstone one. Not wanting to miss the light show outside, we turned out the lights in our room and opened the blinds.
Tomorrow will be another driving day. We’re headed to South Wales.